Almost done!


So here is the latest on the novel that is very nearly finished.

This is the picture ive created for the cover, interesting isnt it?! As you can see the book is going to be titled The Spirit Master (it took a long time to decide) 

the book is going to be out by January 20th 2013 latest and hopefully without any unnoticed errors.
So whats it about?.... How about you wait till its out and read the back, which does make it sound more comical than it actually is.

♥ Top Ten Reasons Why You Can't Trust Pit Bulls ♥

10. They will steal your spot on the couch while you are up getting a soda. 
9. They will take the treat you give them and bury in the back yard like a paranoid crack head hiding their stash.
8. They will jump on your bed with muddy feet. Making you do the laundry... again!
7. They will lick visitors with an uncontrolled passion only they understand.
6. They will cause children to smile. 
5. They will make you feel horrible for not walking them by looking at you with deep sad eyes.
4. They will look at you like you committed a crime against them if you don't let them lick your ice cream bowl. 
3. They will cause wide spread happiness in large group settings. 
2. They will crack you up by shaking their butts so hard you think they are going to snap in half.
And the number one reason why you can't trust  Pit Bulls... 
1. They will steal your heart like a thief in the night, showing you complete and pure love that only a Pit Bull can show.

- Jason Mann 

Post Title.


Well done to all who won in the contest that ended on the 20th of December! hope you enjoy the books!

I have donated the £10 profit made from Memoirs of a Fighting Dog to the WSPA charity. WOOP! =]



So ive removed The Demons Fib from Lulu now. It is only available on createspace. The quality from that site is much nicer.
Im still working on the Teddy Bear novel at the moment, its coming along pretty....strangely but still good.
Also... the un-named title im working on has came to a stop... the characters are not complying urgh!



Think i may delete the files of The Demons Fib from lulu. the quality is terrible.